What is The Fourth Dimension Concept
The First & Second Dimension:
The basic of the book taught like this, the first dimension is an imaginary straight line and is an encompass in the second dimension while the second dimension is now then a platform formed part of the third dimension.
The Third Dimension:
The Third Dimension has length, breadth and height and because it has air, it is no longer a complete Third Dimension and hence also is belongs to an imaginary concept. It also states that because the Third Dimension has both time and space, it is belongs to eternity.
The Fourth Dimension (One more Dimension):
The Fourth Dimension has God, human and Satan. The human spirit belongs to the Fourth Dimension and so is above the third dimension. As such, the destiny of the First Dimension is controlled by the Second Dimension and the destiny of the Second dimension is controlled by the Third Dimension and the destiny of the Third Dimension is thus controlled by the Fourth Dimension. The book The Fourth Dimension states that because the Fourth Dimension controls the destiny of the Third Dimension, human being a spirit is thus in control of the Third Dimension.

An interview with Buddhism Lecturer of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Pang Chong Guang (香港理工大学校长潘宗光教授访谈录) said: Buddhism believes in the six channel. In the life man experience, is a long, wide, and height of three dimension. The most basic dimension is the First Dimension. It does not have length, width or height. Science is also evolved from this concept and our way of thinking is also governed by these Three Dimension. In these Three Dimension, we can only see the human realm and the animals realm. (*Because Buddhism believes both man and animals have spirits) In Buddhism, emptiness is not exactly emptiness. The idea is, to attain the realm of "without me". Time belongs to the fourth dimension. There is no a fix body that does not change. It’s all in the idea of “perceiving emptiness” (The concept of the First Dimension). All thing are interchangeable. (Contrast to 1 Corinthians 13:8, Bible)
Asia Conference 2010'In the 2010 Asia conference, Pastor Cho taught: “Before we give a word, the Holy Spirit does not have the proper material with which to create." According to Pastor Cho, The Material here refers to 'The Power of our Word'.
Pastor Cho continued, if the Holy Spirit imparts faith into your heart to remove a mountain, do not pray and beg for the mountain to be moved, rather, speak.” How Powerful can the Fourth dimension be: As powerful as your Word and as powerful as the Word of God.
Pastor Cho ended with a powerful word of encouragement for the audience, saying “Being Christians, life without miracles is no life at all. When you live by the Fourth Dimension, you can do the work of 100 men, and you will witness miracles.”
Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:7, "For we live by faith, not by sight." and in Ephesians 4:7, "But to each, faith has been apportioned in Christ."
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (Romans 10:17) For some faith is a gift, other as they grow gradually in the Spirit.
(1)There is Power when God speak because God's Word is Spirit and they are life. Jesus say, "The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” (Genesis 1:1-2, Deuteronomy 32:46-47; John 6:63)
(2)The Holy Spirit does not imparts faith. The work of the Third Holy Trinity is to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. (John 16:8; James 1:5) The Holy Spirit is The Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit work hand in hand with The Word of God. (Genesis 1:2; Eccessiastes 8:4)
It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. The Divine will of God lies in the Father, the Godhead of The Holy Trinity. And God has already given each and everyone of us a free-will and hence it is also our own choices whether if to ultimately draw God's divine hand (judgment) on us. (1 Samuel 12:25, Isaiah 65:12)